A downloadable game

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YOU ARE YOUNG ARISTOCRATS FROM THE TON, a Regency-era Royal Court. You have everything you could wish for except for one thing: love. Ingratiate yourself to the QUEEN, pursue love, duel for your honour, and don’t get embroiled in any uncouth scandals...

VIRTUES & SCANDALS is a quick-play RPG based on John Harper's Lasers and Feelings.

Number of players: 3-6
Age of players: 10+
Length: 2-4 hours per game session
Page Count: 1


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Virtues and Scandals 1.1.pdf 343 kB
Virtues and Scandals 1.1.png 2.2 MB

Development log


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where is the game?


Hey! This is a tabletop roleplaying game (the main one people know is Dungeons & Dragons), so the .pdf is the whole game. You just need to get some friends together and talk through it :)